I have something to tell you today on consciousness. Steve jobs had an intuition that had nothing to do with his intelligence. So where did it come from? The thoughts that we get have a very interesting origin. Ofcourse there is a neuroscience aspect to origin of a thought. But according to me a thought is generated in your body by the creator in you. (Good or bad depends on the dataset you provide to your brain) Let me explain There are three components in you 1.The you-The consciousness 2.Your body 3.Your mind The way your body and mind functions depends on your consciousness. So what is consciousness....It is invisible and it create wonders. Attaining consciousness is the ultimate goal of your life. You are not your.body nor your are the conciousness. You just observe what your body and mind require and you should have control of the other parts the mind and the body using your consciousness. Great people have a very different level of consciousness. Consciousn...