Recently prime minister Modi went on a surprising visit to the border and gave a morale boosting speech to the army.These kinds of surprises are indeed common with Narendra modi.
The one line which got my traction from his speech is "Era of expansionism is over".
I completely agree to this statement.In 21st century there is no room for countries willing to expand their territory.Many instances taught us a lesson on how border conflicts destroyed nations on all fronts.
In this article I would cut the clutter on this statement by the prime minister by giving you thoughtful examples and then talk about the lessons that India and China should learn on expansionism.
Pakistan was created as a separate nation along with India in 1947.Every country has some core interests and some core policies to fulfilll.But Pakistan was largely motivated with anti India stand.
Right from the time Pakistan was formed its main aim was to seize the entire territory of Jammu and Kashmir.They felt this was a matter of pride to the nation.But the History says it is a part and parcel of India.I guess Pakistan also is aware of the fact that taking this territory from India is merely a dream.
All this said and done this greed over territory didn't achieve nothing rather Pakistan lost half of its country in 1971 war in the form of bangladesh.
Bangladesh was formed in 1971 after popularly known Bangladesh liberation war where India defeated Pakistan thus liberating East Pakistan as Bangladesh.But every one predicted that Bangladesh would end up as a failed country with lot of famines and droughts.
Here comes the actual point that I wanted to make.Many of you maybe surprised to hear Bangladesh is now one of the fastest growing economies in south east Asia and even in the whole world.But Pakistan is one of the worst performing states in the world economically.
The excellent performance of Bangladesh could be attributed to its ideology of non expansionism.
Right after its formation it settled all its borders unlike Pakistan which still to this point has claim in Kashmir.
Bangladesh opting for peaceful ideology helped it to focus on core issues like economy and health.It even overtook India in some aspects.Some countries coming out of china are now choosing Bangladesh as an alternative.
With Pakistan it went the other way round.It chose the non violent path and was keen on expansion of its territory.This led to 13 IMF bail outs in the past 70 years and its economy today is no stronger.Perhaps it needs another bail out.
India was a peace loving country since 1947.Wars took place only with the greed of other nations and false claims by the opponents.we were mainly focusing on core issues since beginning but corruption was a main issue.
After 2014 the moment Narendra modi assumed power,I would see a change in this Scenario. BJP is ideologically driven by the RSS. It believes in the idea of Akhand Bharat.This includes all the territories that India had in the past.
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Narendra modi assuming second term intensified this idea and Amit shah was handed over the home ministry.There were two path breaking reforms in the name of Article370 abolishing and the CAA which raised a question if India is willing to move toward expansionism.
This not only made our Neighbours to avenge a revolt against us which we are noticing these days but it led to a diversion of serious issues like job losses and GDP decline.
China's growth was very rapid since the time it opened its economy to the world.Indeed it was a peace full growth.It had very mere conflicts with its Neighbours.However as many predicted China,s rise in 21st century is not going to be peaceful.
In order to exhibit its superiority it is inviting clashes with its Neighbours.This not only causes a immense loss of its reputation around the world for invading the democracies but also causes damage to its trade.
Hence China Turning into an expansionist will not meet its goal.
In 21st century expansionism and greed for territories will not bring any benefit to this rapidly changing world.Especially when two vast and powerful nations like India and china engage in a conflict its is the least thing we would expect.
All the nations in the World including China and India should have a consensus on its borders and strive for peaceful negotiation with its Neighbours.
Nations should not develop hyper nationalism and Jingoism in its citizens and propose to its parliaments on how the consensus could be achieved for a peaceful development.
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