My large obsession for "Technological development" made me write this article.I will just try to give you an insight on how technology can be and is being used in a crisis.
When you ponder over your mind about the usage of technology for Development. Iam certain that you would be thinking of countries like japan,singapore etc. In fact Japan showed the world a way for Technological development.For a country which was worstly effected in world war 2, to gain such a Wealth it would have been impossible without Technology.When I was researching for this topic I found that countries like Finland found that the "Best way that the Human resource is replicated is Technology".So for countries with poor health infrastructure like India, Technology would be a boon to fight a crisis like this.
To deal with crisis like this the foremost thing that can save us is preventive measures and a solid health infrastructure. As the pandemic has no bounds for expansion,there needs to be out of box innovation techniques to control this pandemic more effectively.Hence here comes the importance of usage of human resource.Human intelligence which is replicated in the form of technology will help the administration in many ways.
I would like to cite a local example of usage of Technology to fight the pandemic.Recently the Indian government had released an app called Arogya setu which helps the government to track and alerts the people if they had any contact with a person who tested positive for corona.seems good right ????.Yes.....Even I thought so, but then came people arguing for using their private information. Ofcourse this seemed a valid point for me.In a democracy the have that right.
So I felt a little disappointed by the fact that "If Technology has to be used it must be accepted first".This made me think of the Indian context where people's acceptance is essential for a scheme to succeed.Hence finally this drove me to the following conclusion
"Yes technology would definelty be a boon to the country in a crisis,but there is an ancient saying every postive has an negative which needs to be deal with.when an innovative idea is to be implemented the authorities must take care to ensure that IT wont disobey the fundamental rights of people and the negative effects should be dealt with before the innovation turns into implementation"
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