
Showing posts from August, 2020


Recently Government of India finally gave a nod to the New education policy for the  next two decades.It has gathered Bipartisan support all over. It is being seen as a path breaking reform in Indian education scenario. Of course there are some bold changes and useful reforms but there are also few un answered questions which are to be raised.In this article I would put forward my concerns regarding this new educational policy. TOO MUCH PRIVATIZATION Privatization of education has lot of emphasis in this policy.Given the scenario of the present situation of private schools in India this is a very dangerous step.Private schools in our country are no less than a business. Private schools in any city for the matter in a village are largely set up only for making money. Therefore many students who are under poverty line don't have faith in government schools  will turn out to be drop outs.Hence focus should be on improving the status of government schools and taking strict action ...